
藝術充權 II:消除性/別小眾歧視
年度 2021至2022年度
合作伙伴 PrideLab
項目編號 G2138
撥款金額(港幣) 港幣$50,000
關注範疇 消除歧視

PrideLab was established in 2013, aspiring to promote gender equality through creative media.  


Succeeding the efforts made on organisational development and work planning in the previous stage, this project expands the support to their operation, including community engagement through their media platforms and offline activities. 


Their Cantonese media platform will continue to provide information and news on gender and LGBTQ+ issues in forms of graphics, videos and podcasts. Along with organising activities to enhance community cohesion, they will continue to communicate with various stakeholders to promote gender equality, in particular, concerning for the Sexual Orientation Discrimination Ordinance and the issue of “conversion therapy”.