Grant Projects

Know thyself: Local Trans Youth Collected Works
Period 2021-2022
Partner Gender Empowerment, Quarks
Project Code G2130
Grant Amount(HKD) HKD 50,000
Concern Area Freedom from Discrimination

This project is a collaboration between Gender Empowerment and Quarks, the latter established in 2020 as a community-led organisation for transgender youths in Hong Kong. Their main work includes providing peer support, resource referrals and public education 


The project provides story-writing workshops for trans youths aged 12 to 35 (including trans-men, trans-women and non-binary transgenders) to narrate their experiences as a way to empower themselves, a form of self and collective care, and an attempt to counter the limited and dubious narrations in mainstream media. The process of story-writing also allows trans youth to delve into their experiences and emotions when going through the process of identity recognition and transition, a significant stage in their lives. The stories will be published with the facilitation of an editor with gender perspective.