Grant Projects

Emotional Literacy Workshop
Period 2024-2025
Partner Grassroots Future (in partnership with Self-Love Cupid)
Project Code EDG2402
Grant Amount(HKD) HKD $37,000
Concern Area Advancement of Women's Civil Participation
Outline This project is led by Grassroots Future in partnership with Self-Love Cupid. Self-Love Cupid is a self-led group of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong focusing on mental health.

The mental health needs of marginalised communities, such as migrant domestic workers and refugees, are often overlooked in Hong Kong. Since migrant domestic workers live in with their employers, there is little space and time for private emotions, which can be harmful to their mental health. The project aims to empower participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate their emotions effectively. In this project, migrant workers and refugees will attend emotional literacy workshops together. Through this project, participants will develop a deeper understanding of their emotions, learn strategies to manage them, and foster self-reflection and personal growth.