Grant Projects

Life changer - Breaking Period Taboo Together
Period 2024-2025
Partner Community Cultural Concern
Project Code EDG2407
Grant Amount(HKD) HKD $37,000
Concern Area Advancement of Women's Civil Participation
Outline This project aims to address the taboo around menstruation and the lack of information exchange among women of ethnic minority (specifically Pakistani & Indian ladies who live in Kwun Tong & To Kwa Wan). Because of the taboo, these women found it difficult to discuss with one another, even when they are facing challenges related to their menstruation. Some women lack menstrual education resources and awareness of body autonomy.

Through this project, scientifically accurate knowledge will be introduced, as well as a variety of menstrual products that may alleviate the irritancies of menstrual cycles. The goal of this project is for the women to understand their bodies more accurately and free of shame.