Energizer Training Highlights 2020 - 2021

Building Organisational Sustainability through Financial Management

HER Fund co-hosted financial management training with Women in Finance Asia (WiFA) in January 2021. The purpose of the training was to build the basic knowledge of financial management for the daily operation and sustainability of HER Fund’s Grantee Partners. Trainers from WiFA designed two online workshops to teach basic accounting concepts, budgeting and golden rules in financial management for NGOs.

The training was a bridge to connect women leaders in the grassroots community and financial sectors, building mutual understanding between the two. After the training, a mentoring programme was implemented to provide a tailor-made session for each participating organisation. This enabled the organisations to review and reflect the root causes of the challenges they are facing, and to seek advice from an external party.


  • A mentor’s training was organised to build the understanding of the participants’ organisations and the characteristics of HER Fund’s mentorship.
  • Two online workshops were organised for 16 core members from 6 Grantee Partners while 3 members from 2 grassroots organisations joined as observers.
  • After the training, 6 Grantee Partners were matched with 7 mentors from WiFa.
  • Mentors provided 20+ hours of professional financial advice and the Grantee Partners were subsequently able to put the learning into practice within 2-3 sessions.
  • 80% of Grantee Partners responded that they had valuable takeaways in terms of both improving their skillset and lessening their confusion in the area, which built their confidence in handling day-to-day operations of their organisations.